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The Power of Camping

Today, like never before, kids are under tremendous pressure… self-doubt, peer pressure, substance abuse, self injury and a myriad of potential harm.

The vision of His Haven is to have summer camps for youth and teens. There is nothing more impacting and life changing then a week at camp where children can learn more about God and develop their relationship with Jesus Christ and each other.

His Haven summer camps will provide numerous activities such as swimming, archery, challenge courses, hiking, basketball, volleyball and so much more! They will provide an opportunity for your child to try new and challenging activities! Summer camps allow children to get out and meet new people in a safe and caring environment.

When you send your youth, or teen to His Haven Summer Camps… it is where your child will want to be every summer!

Summer camp is not just all about the fun and games. Our main objective is to share the gospel with all who come to camp. We desire for them to encounter Christ in a real and sometimes new way that is personal and life changing for them.

During a week of summer camp, we have seen camper’s hearts be healed from the pain of divorce, rejection, verbal and physical abuse. We have seen campers arrive scared, alone and fearful, leave a changed, secure and confident child of their Creator!

This is what sets our summer camps apart from others! Lives are being touched and changed, for eternity!

Lives are changed at SUMMER CAMP!

Dates, times, locations and online registration is coming soon!

Additional Questions? Please feel free to Contact Us!

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His Haven is a non-profit, 501(c)3 Purely Public Charity, faith-based organization created to genuinely love, train and equip people to reach their highest potential by networking or providing them with necessary tools, favorable opportunities, and conditions to assist them in reaching their desired, God-given level of excellence.

As a nonprofit, His Haven relies on the generous donations of our supporters and grants to fund our operations. We do not have shareholders or equity investors. Instead, we have a volunteer Board of Directors that provides governance and oversight.

Our staffing model utilizes both paid employees and volunteers. Paid staff oversee core operations and management. Volunteers supplement our workforce in programs and events.

His Haven maintains the following functional departments:

  • Programs - Manages all charitable programs and services we provide the community.
  • Development - Oversees fundraising, grant writing, and community engagement.
  • Finance - Handles budgeting, accounting, payroll, and reporting.
  • Administration - Provides support with HR, legal, IT, and general operations.

This organizational structure allows His Haven to deliver our mission effectively as a 501(c)3 nonprofit.

His Haven Inc.
PO Box 449
Elmira, NY 14902

Call (607) 442-6442

TEXT TO GIVE: "give 50"
to give $50 to (855) 887-9097

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